With all the kerfuffle about Goodreads being bought by Amazon, I’m a little hesitant to post this, but I’ve made “The History of the Mayan Ball League” available for download on Goodreads.com.
There’s a new little green nub at the end of their usual green nub where you can go buy the book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or the iBookstore or Kobobooks.com, like so:

There’s also a little thing to click on to read the book right then and there in your browser.
So go to Goodreads. I’ve made the whole book available, so there’s no need to pay actual money for it. Sure, sure, my family will probably starve and die horrible deaths because you’re not giving me $0.99 for the book. But at the very least we’ll die happy, knowing that you’re now a little bit more educated about the Mayan Ball League.
For your information, the book is also free on the iBookstore and the Kobo Bookstore. It’s only Barnes & Noble and Amazon where I can’t lower the price to free.
So if you really like me and would like me to survive another cold, harsh winter (we live in San Jose, CA, right now, where the winters are bitter cold), you would be smart to buy at least a dozen copies of the story on Barnes & Noble and Amazon. But if you have a vendetta against me or would just like to see me really, really suffer, well, you can now get the book for free or just read it online at Goodreads.com for free.
As I’ve sold approximately 28 books total, now, world-wide, I figure it’s time to open the floodgates and lower that barrier to reading even more. If you’re not careful and I don’t get enough readers I’m going to assume I need to chase around after people with the barrier, giving them a few good thwacks with it before I let them pass over it and into the unique learning experience that is “The History of the Mayan Ball League.”