Fresh off the publication of Verano I’ve already got my hordes of nearly illegal child labor hot on the tails of the next big thing. And I’m here, today (or whenever you read this, really), to present to you the next big thing out of our children’s book publishing house:

It’s Verano, back again for a second installment!
I can’t reveal too much about the story without killing you, but I have been cleared to tell you that, yes, those are teeth.
And our other new franchise, all I’ll tell you about this one is that it’s long been a family favorite at dinner time, and that he, too, seems to have acquired a younger sister, a liberty taken by the artist that may result in some sort of fine or other punishment, for going off-script.
So don’t you fear that you and your family will get to the end of Verano the Fish and lack for more thrilling content to read and pictures at which you can cast your beady eyes.

For those of you who had been putting off downloading Verano the Fish for that very reason, fear not! Point your iPad or copy of iTunes at and download away! It’s free! It will change your life*!
And when you’re done with it rest assured that the next book will be along in the next year, maybe two, seven, at the outside.
* Warning: Actual life-changing properties may involve unwanted rabbit infestation, a convertible appearing in your driveway out of the blue, water damage, a plague of locusts, and/or the ghost of Ned Coleman narrating every Thursday for the rest of your life.