So Butterfly, a novel is about more than just hockey and people beating each other, and ultimately themselves, senseless.
It’s also about Old Sturbridge Village, a 19th century New England village. Anybody who grew up in Central Massachusetts in the 80s probably visited the Village three, four, a dozen times on school field trips.

Well, if you’re out that way, perhaps visiting the sights of Butterfly, a novel, by your favorite author, this will likely be one of your big ticket stops (along with a certain three decker on Hillside St. in beautiful Worcester, Massachusetts). And the Boston Globe have a few suggestions for other things to do in Sturbridge while you’re out there, in addition to some 19th century fun and games.
To add to that list, you might as well pop a couple towns over and visit The Booklovers’ Gourmet, in Webster, Massachusetts. We did some readings for Fenway Fiction, the original, here, and Deb, the owner is the best. I believe she may have a mug to prove it.
Enjoy your trip to the Far West, as I certainly thought of it, as a kid, and we’ll be back soon in another installment of the Butterfly, a novel literary tour.