One of my favorite things is the website, which raises small chunks of money for families in need. Their big idea is that you don’t need to give a lot to help someone out.

Quite a while ago I was able to help them edit/write some stories for the folks who needed some sort of help or another (you can, too, by the way) and they occasionally put out a call for writers to help them tidy up the descriptions of a family’s situation, as handed in by a case worker. Some of the stories are just heart-breaking, and it could so easily be your feet those metaphorical shoes are on — it makes me thankful for what I have.
I just cleaned up a case for them for the R. family, who have a son undergoing treatment for leukemia and are trying their damnedest to keep things together for him and his siblings. Go check out Small Can Be Big, help out the R. family, if you like, if you have a couple bucks to spare, maybe skip a coffee or two, or maybe consider joining they cast of writers, ready to help get a family’s story across.
Update:Â The R. family got their rent! But there are still plenty of families worth giving a few bucks to, if you’re into that sort of thing.