So the newest* social** media platform, Social! has launched a new helpful conversion tool for 2017 to help you, yes, you.
One thing I’m trying to do in 2017 is drop off social media for a bit more, and Social! kind of fits my needs, in that it’s not terribly social at all. So what I’ve done, and the gang at Social! have created a handy guide for this process, is that I’ve taken my Facebook and Twitter accounts and replaced them with the super cool Social! replacements.
For example, for Twitter, I visited on my phone. I then hit the little sharing icon, like so:
I then clicked on the Add to Home Screen button, here:
At this point, I picked a name that would fool me into clicking this app instead of the real deal:
And that was it. Now, I’m a chicken, so I chucked Twitter and Facebook somewhere in the nether regions of my iPhone screens, so they’re still there, but just that bit more out of reach, which encourages me to get off my phone and onto writing (or at the very least onto writing in Scrivener on my phone or doing some editing of the latest manuscript in PDF Expert). So that’s 2017 for me… me, the dregs of Trip to the Quiet Room and a little manual about nose picking.
Check out the how to for Facebook or Twitter and hopefully that’ll help you get off your own personal echo chambers into an even more personal echo chamber.
* Warning: May not actually be the newest.
** Warning: May not be terribly social